Saturday, June 24, 2006


GITA 108 DAYS - DAY 13

13. Sorrow and knowledge cannot co-exist

Every one of us, like Arjuna, lament about things that are not worth worrying about; but we speak lofty ideas as if we are wise. Knowledge and sorrow do not belong together. Lord Krishna tells that wise people do not lament about the living or the dead.

Our selfishness and ignorance manifest as sorrow. The underlying cause for sorrow is either due to our freedom getting curtailed or when our desires don't get fulfilled. Death is the biggest sorrow.

The biggest ignorance is that man thinks he is permanent here. Interestingly, his 'knowledge' is also that I am permanent here. Do not think that me the body is permanent; but do understand that the energy (chaithanya) that is beyond the body has no decay or death.

Dead body is the physical entity that is shrouded by by the cloud of ignorance. Christ resurrects Lazar from the dead by awakening the true knowledge in him. Sorrows are caused by distress and desires and those who loose their power of discrimination will forgo their duties (swa-dharma). Even when one takes up swa-dhrama without the true knowledge, it will be with the desire for the fruits of action. Also, he will be assuming the 'doership'. Obviously, Arjuna uses the words 'I' and 'me' out of ignorance.

One should strive to be free from the shackles of relations and relationships. The land and wealth we amass here in thtemporaryare temperory but we will attain perpetual solace and happiness when we realize the 'permanent'.

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