Saturday, September 22, 2007
GITA 108 DAYS - Day 49
49 We are the Light on our path
There is no one other than us to shine the light on our path and it is important not to entertain desires that will extinguish this light. Face the sorrow and happiness with equanimity. Don’t laugh too much – not that we may end up crying a lot later- when laughter arises in you, do laugh well; when you feel like crying, cry well too; but understand the reasons behind each and realize that both are transitory.
That which is the substratum of this world is complete in itself and we, as the created entities are also ‘complete’. There is no room for the notion of ‘incompleteness’ as when we ‘take’ infinity out of infinity, it remains as infinity- no less. In fact, we are not ‘taking anything’ out. We should know the truth that is not subject to modification under time and space. Inquire and realize what is real and what is unreal and thus we can win over maya.
Mind is attached to the sense organs and it gets agitated by them. Although controlling mind is as difficult as controlling the flow of air, by relentless effort, one can achieve this. Vairagya is the stage where we are attracted towards the ‘real’ while maintaining no attraction towards the ‘unreal’. Only those who have their mind as their slave can achieve yogic state. Such a person will closely examine each and every desire with the help of the intellect to determine whether that desire is worthy to be fulfilled or not. He is a true aspirant to be a yogi.
A tree has two birds on it. One is jumping from branch to branch eating sweet fruits all the time. The other one is quietly observing the first bird and its activities. The bird on the move is our mind and the observant bird is the consciousness. Likewise, one should be able to observe his own mental activities without getting entangled in them.
There is no one other than us to shine the light on our path and it is important not to entertain desires that will extinguish this light. Face the sorrow and happiness with equanimity. Don’t laugh too much – not that we may end up crying a lot later- when laughter arises in you, do laugh well; when you feel like crying, cry well too; but understand the reasons behind each and realize that both are transitory.
That which is the substratum of this world is complete in itself and we, as the created entities are also ‘complete’. There is no room for the notion of ‘incompleteness’ as when we ‘take’ infinity out of infinity, it remains as infinity- no less. In fact, we are not ‘taking anything’ out. We should know the truth that is not subject to modification under time and space. Inquire and realize what is real and what is unreal and thus we can win over maya.
Mind is attached to the sense organs and it gets agitated by them. Although controlling mind is as difficult as controlling the flow of air, by relentless effort, one can achieve this. Vairagya is the stage where we are attracted towards the ‘real’ while maintaining no attraction towards the ‘unreal’. Only those who have their mind as their slave can achieve yogic state. Such a person will closely examine each and every desire with the help of the intellect to determine whether that desire is worthy to be fulfilled or not. He is a true aspirant to be a yogi.
A tree has two birds on it. One is jumping from branch to branch eating sweet fruits all the time. The other one is quietly observing the first bird and its activities. The bird on the move is our mind and the observant bird is the consciousness. Likewise, one should be able to observe his own mental activities without getting entangled in them.