Saturday, September 22, 2007


GITA 108 DAYS - Day 53

53 If there is a leader for Hinduism, the ‘Sanathana Dharma’ will perish.

If a person takes on as the leader of Hinduism, the Sanatana Dharma will perish. The Bhagavad Gita is giving us the courage and conviction to establish freely and fearlessly without any restrictions imposed by any clergy. Gita is not talking about the Krishna who is the son of Vasudeva. It is talking about the universal energy (chaitanya) that is the basis of the existence of the universe itself and that must not be limited to any bodily image. Nature is the gross form of the Lord himself.

In the subtle form, the Lord is the root cause of the life force. From the subtle generates the gross. Everything that has been created in the universe has been expressed by the union of the subtle and gross form of the Lord. As they are the cause of creation, they indeed are the cause for dissolution. All these are within the Lord as the pearls strung on a thread. If one looks for the thread of the chain, it is invisible; but the thread is the most important one as the chain exists because of that. Our ancestors gave forms to the thread in order to develop devotion and an attitude of surrender to it. They didn’t do it to get anything in return. This thread is not dependent on faith or the lack of it. It is the subtle essence of everything. It is the wetness of water and it is the brightness in light of the son and the moon. It is the ‘Om’ in all the Vedas; it is the sound of the sky; it is the humanness in the human beings; smell of the earth and effulgence in the fire. It is the essence of the life energy and the primordial seed. It is the wisdom of the men of intelligence. It is the effulgent aura of the men of realization. It is the penance of the yogis and the strength and vitality of the powerful, devoid of lust and desires.

Penance is the concentrated effort of pursuing to realize something, sacrificing all likes and dislikes. Penance is the pain one endures happily as a mother endures the hardship of pregnancy. All our deeds must be a penance. The efforts put forth by a child learning to write the first letter of the alphabet and the meditative endurance of the yogi are penance indeed. But if we boast about the hard work done, it cannot be called a penance. Real power is not the power held by Hitler or Chenghis Khan. Real power is the power of the Lord’s energy born out of love. Brutal power is cowardly. Power must be used for enhancement and not for destruction.

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